White Tip Bentosi Tetra 2.5cm

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The Bentosi Tetra has a wide area of distribution and is known from much of the Amazon River system in Brazil and Peru, along with parts of the Machado River basin in Brazil. These shoaling fish tend to inhabit heavily vegetated areas of sluggish tributaries, where they stay close to the safety of plant cover and submerged roots. The water is soft and acidic, and is often stained a tea-colour due to tannins released from submerged wood and decaying leaves. Ideally, the aquarium should be darkly furnished, with plenty of bogwood and areas of dense planting to emulate this habitat as closely as possible. Whilst the Bentosi Tetra is an adaptable species that will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions, this species will always look its best in soft, acidic water

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