Panda Garra 2cm

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The Panda Garra is a beautifully marked cyprinid species, which is suited to mature tanks that are over 4ft (120cm) long and which have vigorous water movement/high O2 level. It will not thrive in a standard community set-up, so be sure to meet its requirements for highly oxygenated fast-flowing waters – ideally provided by powerful external canister filtration. Unlike many members of the Garra genus, this species is relatively sociable, and is best kept in groups of 5 or more. In numbers less than this, they may squabble amongst themselves (and similar species) every so often, “˜greying out”™ as they do so. The aquarium should be aquascaped with a soft sand or very fine rounded gravel substrate, and furnished with cobbles, smooth rocks, and bogwood pieces. Lighting can be fairly bright to encourage algae growth, which the fish will enjoy browsing on for the micro-organisms it may contain.

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